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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Final Flawed

I wasted several hours this morning getting my ass handed to me repeatedly in Dissidia, so it seems like a good time to follow up on bad recurring elements of the Final Fantasy.

Unbalanced Enemies

Character customisation is a staple of a lot FF games and other RPG's. The more choices and depth the better right? Wrong.
Developers find themselves in a fix when they let their players have too much freedom as it becomes hard to design challenging enemies; what's challenging for a team of fast hitting melee characters will be different from a team of healers who slowly whittle down the enemy.
So what is the solution? If you answered make the enemies so hard that it doesn't matter what you do then not only are you correct but you are also a bastard.

This is most noticeable in the case of bosses. Since the player may have powerful status effects (petrify, death, confuse etc) many bosses are completely immune. Naturally the bosses will not hesitate to hit you with the same status effects, often several at once. This is by no means the only dirty trick; bosses frequently take free turns, use one hit kill moves, casually hit your entire party with AoE or possibly all of the above at once.
Examples? Pick any FF game. I'm sure that there will be at least one boss, if not more, that enters this definition.

If you do want to be specific in Dissidia computer opponents cheat newly constantly. They react faster than humanly possibly allowing them to block and dodge nearly perfectly. Further more they use abilities below the allowed level and they can equip items they outright aren't allowed to.

Unnecessarily Long Animations

I'm not going to on about long cutscenes as the actual gameplay provides enough fodder. Summons and ultimate attacks are present in most of the FF games. Unfortunately they normally come with a five to thirty second animation which may not be able to be skipped.

FF10's 2nd last boss fight has two magical stones which heal the boss. Both stones act at the same rate as a normal speed character and if you kill them they comes back several turns later. While the healing animation is only several seconds long it adds up to a considerable amount of time over the course of the brutal fight.

In FF7 there's a conjoined zombie monster or something. One half counters whenever you attack it. This counterattack takes the form of 7 or 8 seconds of seizures followed by an attack. Since this happens ever time you attack, this fight is dragged out for much longer than it should be.

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