Your one stop site for slightly confused rants and half-assed reviews.
Updates whenever I have both the desire to write and a good idea.
Also, we have always been at war with Oceania.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Steam Sale Review: Not Really

Whenever I view something that is either head-explodingly brilliant, fist-pumpingly exciting, retch-inducingly see where I'm going with this; whenever something results in a strong emotion or two I consider writing up a post. Key word, consider.

As you may have noticed from the lack of updates I don't really get around to doing it very often...or at all for some weeks. Because while I frequently spend my time in the shower composing choice phrases which then turn out less clever or logical in reality than in my head, I don't get around to the actual act.

Really I need to just learn how to use Twitter or something because what I frequently want to do is just deliver a brief paragraph on what just happened moments ago while the emotions are still raw. This would satisfy my immediate need to be recognised, and would allow me to cover many more topics than I currently do. Quality would dip though as posts would be much less informative, interesting or really anything substantial.
Here are some examples of what things would be like if I adopted a more social-networky style:

Now and Then, Here and There: Holy crap did they just imply what I think they implied?

Real Life: Hmmm nothing good on TV.

Team Fortress 2: FUCKING LAG. People keep shooting me from around damn corners!

Real Life: Seriously, I've got Foxtel and there's nothing worth watching....HOW?

This was initially going to be a lead in paragraph or two for other Steam game review but I kind of got side tracked if you hadn't noticed. Maybe I'll do one this weekend.

But don't hold your breath.

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