Your one stop site for slightly confused rants and half-assed reviews.
Updates whenever I have both the desire to write and a good idea.
Also, we have always been at war with Oceania.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Yesterday I decided that I should do a Ghost in the Shell week, with a post each night discussing a feature of the franchise as a whole. Since there wasn't a finished post from Sunday, one can conclude that this idea did not prove successful. Worse still, I started on the one topic that I thought I could talk about at length only to find that I said all that needed to be said with one paragraph.

Go team.

So GitS Week will never be. I will however endeavour to do a post or two summarising the major concepts I wished to praise and/or condemn. If I'm feeling adventurous I may even try to make it entertaining AND insightful, something I constantly struggle with.


  1. I just bought Stand Alone Complex season 1 from

  2. the anime madness sale?
    its nice to see several things i've bought in the past on sale. as a consumer that already pays too much for dvds its nice to see that i am given even more reason not to just buy things when i want.

  3. Yeah I picked it up for $60 and got "Dead Man" w/ Johnny Depp for free.
